I dream of a world where we are happy.
I love the idea of getting on to tumblr and searching "depression" and seeing recovery stories instead of pictures of them bleeding.
I smile at the thought of not seeing girls ribs through their clothes and watching as they push away a meal.
I wish therapists had no work to do and had to find other jobs.
Because depression ruins things.
It's like it takes over. It starts as a single thought, and slowly grows, like cancer, as it takes over the rest of the body and its functions until suddenly, we're gone.
I dream of a world where I can one day try to explain this feeling to my adult children and they say "Wow, I've never even heard of that." Where I don't have to constantly be on the look out for warning signs of the people I love slipping in to this horrible disease. Where "how to be happy" isn't one of the first options that come up on goggle when typing "how to..." Where people fill my facebook news feed about how much they love their life instead of hate it.
And I don't see why that can't be now. Today.
I mean really, doesn't it just start with you?
Can't this whole world change one person at a time?
Obviously, you can't change the entire world by being positive. That's not going to happen. But it HAS to happen one person at a time. We have to learn to deal with our problems on our own and figure it all out and learn to be happy on our own. And slowly, we will change the world.
Slowly this dream can become a reality.
But it starts with us. It starts with you.
As beautiful as this all sounds, I can't just write this and be like "oh I wish..." and then just return to crying about life. That's lame, and doing nothing.
Let's fix this problem.
Let's be the change we want to see.
I dream of a world where we are happy.
Let's be the change we want to see.