It's midnight on a school night and I'm staying up to write a post because I'm a 21 year old college student who doesn't know what she's doing.
Being 21 sorta feels like being blindfolded and shoved in a group of people who are all walking in different directions and having to pick one.
There's people all around me moving quickly and there's people moving very very slow and there's people who are walking in circles and there's people who are screaming at the top of their lungs as they go and... and it's like a constant buzz. A constant slew of directions to take and people to follow and advice being thrown at me.
And I have no idea where I'm going.
I just have a blindfold on and I'm just sorta walking.
I wish I had some sort of advice or words of knowledge or just something to pull from this and share with you.
I wish I could say that walking blindfolded is okay and everyone is doing it and you'll figure it out one day.
But uh, I'm walking blindfolded. So for all I know, I'm about to walk off a cliff.
For now, I thiiiink it's okay. I think most everyone is doing it. And I think you'll figure it out one day.
If not, I'll meet you at the bottom of that cliff.
But I guess, at least you're walking. Right?
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