Monday, May 20, 2013

On being forgotten.

There are some people that just walk into my life and the moment I meet them I know that I will never be the same again.
It's not like things change right then, but over time, they kinda just ruin everything. They take things I've known all my life and make them in to something entirely different.
It's things like french fries and NyQuil and rubber-bands. Places like stairwells and seminary buildings and drama sheds.
And then they just kinda leave. Not all at once, just, you know, they slowly fade away. And that's just a part of life. One moment they are teaching you that you should never wear brown shoes with a black jacket and then the next thing you know it's five years since he said it and two years since he died. Time passes and the people who changed everything are just sorta gone.
I think, sometimes, I spend too much time thinking about them. I just spend all of this time thinking about how they changed everything and now they are gone and I think that they probably don't even remember me.  I'm just little insignificant Maren. It happens all too often that I'm walking through Walmart one day and I see a face of someone who hugged me when I was sad in the hallway one time and instead of saying hi, I look down and decide not to bother them. Not because I don't love them still, but because I think they've forgotten me and how awkward would that be to have to remind them of everything when it meant so much to me?
Of course this isn't exactly logical. But don't we all sorta do this to some extent? Convince ourselves that everyone else can make these huge differences in our lives but we can't do anything to theirs?
Wouldn't it be interesting to know who you've changed though?
Just for a moment I want you to realize that there are probably people who think about you on a weekly, if not daily, basis. They tell stories of  you and laugh about the good times. They stalk your facebook occasionally to make sure you're alright. They miss you.
You're not just someone who remembers everyone and was forgotten.
People leave, but that doesn't mean they forget.
Sometimes you walk into someone's life and they just know they will never be the same again.



  2. Why is it we can feel the impact people have on us but can't feel the way we impact others? I dunno, maybe one of the many, many problems with this world we live in is that no one tells anyone what they mean to each other. People like you (me too, absolutely) walk around feeling like no one remembers them and why? Because there's no real evidence to support the idea that maybe they do.
