Sunday, November 6, 2011

How to be happy (Nyquil Edition)

I took a trip down memory lane tonight. 
I think it was the Nyquil. 
It reminded me of bus trips. And broken sun glasses. And biting things. And porn that smells like home depot. And that boy. 
Which led to me remembering April 15th. 
Which led to me remembering The Format. Which reminded me of sitting on my bed playing Sims 2 all day all summer. Which reminded me of what it was like to not have a job. Which reminded me of why I got the job I have now. Which reminded me of another boy. 
Which led me to remember.... 
A lot of things. 
Which led me to remember February 5th. And sitting in the institute building. And wanting to kiss that beautiful man. Which reminded me of my friends. 
Which took me back to Just Dance 2. And Butterburrs. And British penises. And Scream. Which reminded me of another boy. 
Which reminded me of the park. And then The Office. And then fighting. Which reminded me of everything that's happened lately. 
Nyquil does weird things to me. 
I suppose I should have some awesome "and I realized that..." moment here. Where I realize something great out of all of this stuff I've posted. 
Maybe it's that I'm so happy that I can look back and see how things get bad but never stay that way...It's always good then bad but then good again. That's a plus, right? 
I live an average life. 
I can't remember my life and think it's been bad. Not even close. But I can't look at it and be like "I've lived such an awesome life!" 
I've lived averagely. 
I'm not sad. 
I'm not excruciatingly happy. 
I'm just happy. 
I mean, I see all these bad things happening sometimes, but I'm alive. I breathe every day. I'm healthy. I have fabulous friends. I'm surrounded by amazing people. I work with some of the best women I have ever met. I've been allowed to experience some amazing relationships, even though they didn't last. I have a great family. I am getting a wonderful education in something I LOVE doing. 
So yes, Bad things happen. 
Life is hard sometimes. 
Sometimes you have to take Nyquil and end up licking your friends hair in pictures that are now on Facebook for the whole world to see. 
Sometimes you have to realize you are never going to kiss the beautiful man in your institute class. 
Sometimes thunder just strikes. (I had to have a Scream reference somewhere...) 
But life is beautiful enough to leave me happy.
This post brought to you by Nyquil. 

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