Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to live happily ever after.

Once upon a time, 
There was a girl who fell so madly, deeply in love that nothing else seemed to matter. 
She got a nice little job and was working on an education in words. She started to plan her future around this little life she had started fresh out of high school. 
She was going to read 200 books and then get married in the Idaho Falls Temple. Then she would work on her first novel for 2 years and once its published, she would have her first child. She would name him Zelph. She thought maybe moving to Idaho Falls one day would be a good idea too, she liked the idea of being close to family. She would raise her cute little family and bring a few more children in to the world and they'd be happy. 
She would visit the temple weekly and live in the most adorable neighborhood with her friends.
Her book would be a best seller and they would get loads of money but so much of it would go to service that they would continue working anyway. Her husband was going to be a fabulous worker. 
She was going to love him with all her heart. 
As years go by, she would write another book from the experiences she has gained. And this book would be an even greater success. She would change the world with this book. And if not the world, at least a few people. And it would be so great. She would live happily and comfortably. 
And then she would grow old with her husband. And then die happy surrounded by family. 
It was a nice little plan. 
She grew fond of it and found herself altering little bits and pieces of it while she was working. Smiling while she thought of her future. 
Then things started to fall apart. Just a little bit at a time. 
She got sad. 
Her dreams lost their appeal. 
Or maybe they never lost their appeal really, she just had fallen down on the path and didn't feel like getting back up to walk to them. 
And then her love failed her. 
She couldn't love enough. Or, maybe it was never that it wasn't enough, but that the quality was lacking. 
So her plan fell apart. 
After a few months of being a depressed and quiet and quite frankly miserable to be around, she started to figure things out again. Plan things with other people. Plan things with herself. 
She decided then to be so famous that she would buy everyone at work a swimming pool. She would adopt some African children and give them a good life. and then in a few years, she would buy a husband from Russia. 
It was a nice little plan. 
And she got happy again. 
She started to realize that although she may never fall out of love with someone, she could live a life without them. No one was stopping her. She could be happy. 
There were hard days, no doubt. 
Some days she would wake up and realize how hard it was to breathe. Some days she would lay in bed and stare at the black ceiling and feel 100% alone. Some days she would drive home and beg for God to hear her just once, finally.
But some days were so beautiful that she couldn't even believe it. 
Some days she would spend hours in a parking lot talking to a friend. Some days she would spend time watching movies and making inside jokes with friends. Some days she would write something her teacher would tell her is amazing. 
Some days, alot of days, she realized life goes on perfectly. 
And some days she realized God hears prayers and, on his own time, fixes everything. 
And some days she realized that this is how life is always going to be. And it's always going to end up okay. 
So she now plans on studying abroad and meeting a spanish guy that looks like Antonio Banderas and having cute spanish children. And writing a book that will change everything. And living her life 100% finally. 
And realizing, every single day, that it's going to be okay. 
Life is going to be okay.
And she lives happily ever after.

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