Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to love Thursdays.

The more we focus on the fabulous, the more of it we get.
Gala Darling is just wonderful. In case you were wondering.
So I've been working full time these last 2 weeks and sometimes it makes me want to stab myself with a paperclip. Multiple times. I cannot wait to go back to part time. But, hey, money is good, right?
Not gonna lie, my job makes me very depressed. Sitting in that small, quiet office... listening to pandora and trying not to stare too long at the white walls or I know I'll go crazy... Gah. It makes me upset just to even think about it! So I'm finding that the longer I'm there, the more difficult it is to try and find good in life. I mean, the people I work with are just fantastic. I brag about them all the time. You can't have better coworkers than mine :) But really. The longer I'm in my little office the more I just want to die. And I leave and all I can think about is work. Sitting there. In that office.... ugh. 
And it sucks all the joy out of life. I have the hardest time finding things I love on a daily basis. 
But its Thursday. And Gala wanted us to focus on things we really LOVE today. Things we love and things we love to do. And sometimes I have a hard time with that. Because I HATE this and that and blah blah blah. 
But I guess I better fix that, right?
So lets start my list....
Today I love....
~ Personal Trainers. Hot. :) 
~ Listening to the rain hit the windows as I sat in the sun room the other day. WOW beautiful. 
~ Having my grandparents house for the next 2 weeks. Its really rather fun. 
~ Watching all the High School Musicals with my friends. How fun :) 
~ 5:30 every day. I love the feeling of clocking out. haha. 
~ Frozen Yogurt. MMM. 
~ Trying on wedding/engagement rings with my friends. I want to get married. 
~ Going to Pizza Pie Cafe tomorrow with some friends!!!! AHHHH I'M SO EXCITED.
~ Deciding to do something different with my hair again :)
~ Oh. And I LOVE this blog more than anything. Weird, right? I just love the entire blog world. Its so fantastic. 
I think that's all I can think of. For now. 
So what about you guys? what do you LOVE today? Come on...Think hard :)


  1. I love your blog too! Thank you for existing! Your words are so honest and thoughtful :) 'Hi' from Australia! xo

  2. Thanks SO much!"hi" from Idaho!
