Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to predict the weather.

When I was little, my friends and I thought we could predict the weather. 
Every day after school we'd stand outside of that shed in front of our school and I'd look up at the sky and predict the next day's weather. 
"Cloudy. It will probably rain."
And then I would be right. 
I really don't know how I was right so often... But hey, it was cool. 
But the older I've gotten the more I've realized how unpredictable it is. 
All of the weather predictions this week said today would be warm, mid 60's, slightly cloudy. I know, because I check constantly.
But I woke up to it raining. And as my family lined up to take family pictures at a park, the rain grew stronger and stronger.
All week the weather has been nice. Like, I wanna go lay out in it type of nice. Like, lets plan picnics and pretend life is wonderful type of nice. And then it was just BAM! rain. 
Why can't we see that coming? Why is everyone always so shocked to find out the weather station lied to them? Why can't we accept that its not always going to go as planned and be warm and sunny like we expected it to be?
Maybe... Just maybe, its actually the most predictable thing out there. 
Its gonna be nice out. Then its gonna be not so nice out. Then it'll probably be nice again. 
What is so hard about that to understand? 
I think life is just like that. 
Sometimes things are gonna be happy and warm and lovely. 
But then sometimes life is gonna be sad and cold and rainy. 
But guess what. 
Then it'll get good again.
What's so hard about that to understand? 
But you know whats really lovely? 
Sometimes, right in the middle of all this awful weather, there's randomly a few rays of sunshine. Like God is up there saying "Look, I'm still here. Give me a minute to clear this all up for you." 
And sometimes, during all this wonderful weather, there's randomly a few dark clouds in the sky that take over for a few minutes. Like God is up there saying, "Hey, remember when it was always like this? Please don't forget what I've done for you." 

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