Monday, June 20, 2011

How to be good enough.

Maybe you were right all along. 
Maybe I wasn't good enough. 
But here's where you were wrong. 
I tried my damn hardest. Put every part of me in to it. Gave up so many things. Accepted less than I deserved. 
Maybe I wasn't good enough. 
But you were the one who stopped me from trying when I know I could have been. 
So eff that. 
Take a look at me now. 
I wasn't good enough but I sure as hell didn't deserve what happened. 
But guess what. 
I don't look in the mirror anymore and hate what I see. 
I don't lay in bed at night and cry anymore. 
I don't feel like I'm not being taken care of. 
One day I woke up and realized that not eating wasn't healthy. Realized that staring at those rubber bands was just the first step. Realized that I hated everything about me. 
And realized that I couldn't be like that. 
So I wrote and I wrote and I found truth in everything and I fixed me. 
I'm not perfectly healed. 
Sometimes things are alot harder than they seem. 
But wow. Look at me now. 
I know I deserve everything I've ever wanted. 
And I know I'm good enough. 

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